Tuesday 1 January 2008

A Happy New Year to One And All

First of all, I would like to greet my readers a great new year ahead. Of late, I have been a tad busy with personal matters, and as such I haven't had as much time on my hands as I would like to have, and suffice to say I haven't been writing since Dec 19, 2007.

A brand new year, and a whole new perspective. Perhaps another excuse to indulge in another round of orgy and food fiestas. Nonetheless, let us not let our guards down, as religious fanatics and fundamentalists of all shapes and sizes assault secular humanism and rationality and in general, the very fabric of civilization.

2007 has had its fair share of bad news: With the dastardly murder of Benazir Bhutto by a Muslim suicide bomber, we are once again reminded above the evils of religion, and how it has manipulated young, fledging lives to become tools of self-afflicted murder and other forms of unspeakable atrocities. A British teacher was almost sentenced and punished with the lash of the whip for having the audacity to name her teddy bear after Prophet Muhammad.

For all the gloom and doom, atheism has, under the emergence of the four dark horsemen in the shape of Dawkins, Hitchens, Bennett and Harris, once again asserted atheism in the social consciousness, and hopefully, with more and more skepticism and free inquiry being standard fare in secular nations, religion will be forced to relent its tenacious hold onto many facets of our lives.

Once again, I wish my readers a happy new year.


breakerslion said...

Happy New Year Beast!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2008 to you! I hope it's your best year ever! I think it will be a good year for the cause of atheism.

tina FCD said...

Happy New Year to you too! I think it is going to be a good year also for nonbelievers.

a said...

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

"atheism has, under the emergence of the four dark horsemen in the shape of Dawkins, Hitchens, Bennett and Harris, once again asserted atheism in the social consciousness"

~ Four horsemen with Christian names. Why ?
Shouldn't they have their own invented monikers
like 'Beast' which reflects their atheism instead of living with what they were given ?